The Falcon Eyes Autopole AP-4380M is a sturdy autopole which can easily be mounted between floor and ceiling or between two walls. The Autopole has an adjustable height of 245 cm (2 segments) up to 450 cm (4 segments). With a minimum height of 230cm to a maximum of 438 cm. This Autopole comes in three parts so you can decide for yourself whether to use 2 or 3 or 4 segments. The extendable second segment increases the adjustability.
Specifications Falcon Eyes Autopole AP-4380M H 2,45/4,50 m
The AP-4380M is made of aluminium what makes it light weight and therefore easy to take along. Combined with the optional Falcon Eyes Super Clamp CL-22 you can connect all kinds of studio equipment, see: "Optional Accessories".